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Image Analysis and Response

With RaySecur,
You're Not Alone

Man using screening for drug and narcotic detection

Expert Analysis and Support for Finding Contraband and

Narcotic Detection

Whether it’s supporting remote training, sharing tips and tricks for improved screening, onboarding new staff, or assisting with a suspicious item, you can rest assured that we’ve got your back.

See something that you’re not quite sure what it is? Or perhaps you have new staff that is still getting up to speed on how to leverage mail screening for contraband and narcotic detection. No worries, you have on-demand access to our team of subject matter experts 24×365. If you have questions about what you are seeing, in a matter of seconds, our team of experts is able to remotely connect to MailSecur to look at exactly the same information your team is seeing as if we were in the room with you.  



Another Set of Eyes When You Need Them

Our services team is comprised of experts with deep expertise in narcotics, contraband, and the detection and disposal of dangerous items sent in the mail. 

They are seasoned former law enforcement narcotics agents, military threat experts, and USPIS dangerous mail inspectors. Each team member has decades of experience in the field responding to events, designing standard operating procedures, and implementing training programs. 

cades of experience in the field responding to events, designing standard operating procedures, and implementing training programs. 

Skilled at Finding Well
Concealed Substances


Drug-laced Papers

Suboxone Strips

Powder or Liquid Forms




Chain of Custody

Our team of remote subject matter experts can support local corrections staff and investigators with narcotic and contraband detection by providing an independent analysis and remote second opinion. They assist with image analysis using the available data when suspect or questionable items are flagged, helping to ensure MailSecur evidence is properly captured. 

MailSecur also provides the operator the option to take still shots and video of suspect mail items, allowing for immediate recording of contraband. These photos and videos may be used to document reasonable suspicion or probable cause to further investigate the containments of the parcel. 

Oakland police officer with evidence bag

Subject Matter Experts
At Your Fingertips

Our team is here to supplement your own screening operations teams when it comes to using MailSecur for contraband detection as a drug detection device, or for verification and analysis with on-demand remote access where and when you need them.

Will headshot

William Plummer

Chief Security Officer
Former Military Trained EOD Master Specialist
Miles headshot

Miles Cathers

Product Support
Former Military Trained EOD Specialist
David headshot

David Hale

Narcotics SME and Trainer
Former Law Enforcement and Narcotics Agent
Rebecca headshot

Rebecca LaFosse

Narcotics SME and Trainer
Former Law Enforcement and Narcotic Agent
Cody headshot

Cody Martin

Mail Security Director
Former USPIS Dangerous Mail Inspector


There's a Reason

Our Customers Trust Us

MailSecur is deployed at several state-level corrections facilities as a drug detection device for mail screenings and contraband detection. Facilities include Virginia, Wisconsin’s Division of Adult Institutions, and South Dakota, among others. It is also used by county and local police departments, such as Louisville Metro, and is designated by the US Department of Homeland Security under the SAFETY Act.

DOC states text

Relevant Resources

EODSecur Services Overview

Ready to Detect More Synthetics, Narcotics and Contraband?